Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Kermanshah, Iran.
Introduction: Prediction of pregnancy complications and its prevention are the most important strategy for reducing morbidity and mortality rates in the fetus and the mother. This study was conducted with aim to determine the prevalence of high-risk pregnancies in pregnant women of Sonqor city. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted using data related to 3157 cases of pregnant women referring to health bases of pregnant mothers in Sonqor city in 2011. Data recorded in the booklets of maternal care included the data of pregnancy, previous pregnancies and underlying diseases of mother. To describe data, the mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables and frequency percentage for qualitative variables were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 20) and chi-square test. PResults: Among a total of 3157 pregnant mothers, 1256 mothers (39.8%) had high risk pregnancy. Urinary tract infection (5.8%), history of abortion (4.02%), maternal age over 35 age (3.8%) and under 18 years (2.7%), poor weight gain (2/41%), anemia (2.38%), decreased fetal movements (2.34%), placenta previa (2.31%) and high blood pressure (1.74%) were the most common causes of high risk pregnancy. Frequency distribution of the causes of high-risk pregnancy had significant difference in age groups of pregnant women based on gravidity (P=0.001). Conclusion: The most important risk factors in pregnant women of Sonqor city included urinary tract infection (5.8%), history of abortion (4.02%), age over 35 years (3.8%) and younger than 18 years (2.7%). Prevalence of placenta previa was higher than other studies, but the prevalence of gestational diabetes and hypertension was lower than the results of other studies.
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Azizi, A. (2015). The prevalence of the causes of high-risk pregnancies in pregnant women of Sonqor city, 2011. The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 18(153), 10-19. doi: 10.22038/ijogi.2015.4696
Azizi, A. . "The prevalence of the causes of high-risk pregnancies in pregnant women of Sonqor city, 2011", The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 18, 153, 2015, 10-19. doi: 10.22038/ijogi.2015.4696
Azizi, A. (2015). 'The prevalence of the causes of high-risk pregnancies in pregnant women of Sonqor city, 2011', The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 18(153), pp. 10-19. doi: 10.22038/ijogi.2015.4696
A. Azizi, "The prevalence of the causes of high-risk pregnancies in pregnant women of Sonqor city, 2011," The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 18 153 (2015): 10-19, doi: 10.22038/ijogi.2015.4696
Azizi, A. The prevalence of the causes of high-risk pregnancies in pregnant women of Sonqor city, 2011. The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 2015; 18(153): 10-19. doi: 10.22038/ijogi.2015.4696