Document Type : Original Article
PhD, Department of Health Services Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Professor, Department of Health Services Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Management, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: Community women's health is more vulnerable than men due to various reasons, in addition to biological characteristics; it is influenced by cultural, social, economic and political factors. Nowadays,managing maternal health development is one of the World Health Organization priorities.This study was performed with aim to improve maternal and child health service package in Iran by providing variables derived from a comparative study conducted in selected developed countries.
Methods: In thiscomparative study, the studied countries(Singapore, Australia, England and Japan) wereselectedby comparingmaternal-child healthindicators from different continentsusing cluster sampling and with studying of their maternal and child health service package through referring to valid health documents, important variablesanddimensions were identified, and based on itand designed comparative tables, the conclusion was made.
Results: Free sportsandtraining classeswiththe husbands' presence, extensive maternal network emergency as specialized and boarding, varietyof vehicles fortransportto emergency centers,emotional supportpackages, home visit and delivery, newbornsfreesurgical facilitiesandcare, pregnant womenscreeningfacilitiesfor free, guideline booklet and unifiedrecording of servicesin allcountrycenters are the factorsidentified in successfulmaternal- child health servicespackage.
Conclusion: The role ofsome identified factors such as home visit and deliveryis loworabsent in Iran health service package. Implementation ofthesuggested factors canplay an important rolein promotingmaternal-child healthindicators inIran.