The Effectiveness of Induction of Labor Instead of Fetal Observation on Outcome of Post Term Pregnancy

Document Type : Original Article



Introduction: If pregnancy prolongs more than 42 weeks it is called prolonged pregnancy. It occurs in 10 percent of pregnancies. This problem increases the maternal morbidity and fetal morbidity and mortality. In order to avoid these complications and to manage prolonged pregnancies, different methods are used. The two current ways are the induction of labor at 41 weeks and the expecting management of pregnancy. The goal of this study was to compare the effectiveness of expecting management and induction in prolonged pregnancies.
Material and Methods: In this study 160 pregnant women with pregnancy age more than 41 weeks referring the Mobini Hospital in Sabzevar in the year 2005 were studied. After accurate determination of pregnancy age the patients were classified into two groups of elective induction and expecting management of pregnancy. The former group was admitted in hospital and the last were cared. Data was gathered through the questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics.
Results: Results of this study showed that there was no difference in maternal and fetal complications such as meconium staining, fetal distress, and birth-time Apgar, weight and sex of neonates between the two groups. Incidence of cesarean section in elective induction was 57/5 % and in the expecting management of pregnancy was 22/5 % (p< 0/01). Also according to the results the mean time of hospitalization, differed in the two groups (2/17versus 1/17day, p < 0.05).
Conclusion: According to the lack of maternal and fetal complications in expecting management of pregnancy, this method can be used for management of prolonged pregnancy instead of the elective induction in 41 weeks.


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