Effects of Obesity and Overweight on Outcomes of Pregnancy and Delivery

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Azad Islamic University, Toyserkan Branch, Toyserkan, Iran.


Introduction:Obesity is a wide-spread health problem in the world. Obesity and overweight in gestational period are associated with increased risk of preeclampsia, prolonged gestational age and cesarean section. The purpose of present study is to evaluate the effect obesity and overweight on pregnancy outcomes and delivery.
Methods: All the pregnant women referring to referring to delivery ward of Hamedan Tamin Ejtemaee hospital were enrolled between May 2007 and March 2008. The total number of studied women was 1272 subjects. After fulfilling a questionnaire (containing demographic characteristics of patients, duration of first and second stage of labor and neonatal weight), their BMI by dividing their weight in kilograms (at the beginning of pregnancy and before the 12th weeks of gestational age) by the square of their height in centimeter were calculated. Then data were analyzed using Chi-square and Wilcoxon test.
Results: There was a significant correlation between obesity and overweight with prior parity, neonatal overweight, gestational age, lengthening of active phase of first stage and whole the second stage of labor (P<0.05).
Conclusion: By prevention of obesity and overweight, it would be possible to hinder maternal and neonatal harm.


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