Menstrual Patterns and its Disorders in High School Girls

Document Type : Original Article


1 Instructor, Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Hamadan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Midwifery, Research Center for Child and Maternity Care, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Hamadan, Iran.


Introduction: To evaluate menstrual disorders in adolescents, we should be aware of menstrual cycles range. Therefore, current study was performed to determine menarcheal age, menstrual cycle patterns and its disorders. Correlation between menarche age and menstrual disorders have been investigated.
Methods:This is a descriptive analytical study which was undertaken in 1000 high school. Girls randomly selected from 20 high schools in Hamedan city of Iran in 2007. Data were collected by questionnaire and data analysis was performed using SPSS 16, descriptive and inferential statistics. p<0/05 was considered significant.
Results: The mean age at menarche was 13.7 year. The menstruation disturbances were: hypermenorrhea (clot) 73.9%, intermenstrual bleeding (18.4%), hypermenorhea(long bleeding) 15.2%, polymenorrhea 9.1%, oligomenorrhea 5.9% and hypomenorrhea 1.7%. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 78% (primary 54.3 and secondary 25.2 percent). There was significant correlation between menarche age and menstruation interval (and its regularity), intermenstrual bleeding (IMB), and dysmenorrhea (p<0/05).
Conclusion: Menometrorrhagia was the most common manifestation of menstruation disorders in the students studied. Therefore, it is recommended to evaluate hormonal and gynecological causes of these disorders to prevent heavy bleeding complications in adolescent girls.


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