Untreated vaginismus and subsequent infertility: A case-reports

Document Type : Case report



Introduction: Considering the negative effects of vaginismus on the quality of life and delay in pregnancy, this study was aimed to investigating the process of treatment of vaginismus patients with a history of infertility in case group study.

Presentation of case group: In this descriptive and case series study, 12 patients with vaginismus were referred to Kashan sexual and reproductive health clinic. After history and initial evaluation, vaginismus grades 3 and 4 were diagnosed based on the Lamotte scale in the examination of the patients. The participants were between 20 and 35 years old. The average duration of this disease and the average duration of infertility in them were 4.3 years and 4.1 years, respectively, and 41.6% of patients wanted assisted reproductive methods. During this period, the patients had received several ineffective and unscientific treatments.

Intervention: The process of treatment was done as a team, the treatment was started by the reproductive and sexual health specialist, the trainings, follow-up of the patients and referral to the team members were also done by she. treatment included cognitive behavioral therapy and dilators, during the treatment process, Kegel exercises and non-sexual sensation were also performed by the patient, the sessions were held weekly . After treatment, the patients were able to have sexual intercourse and became pregnant 3 to 12 months after the treatment.

Conclusion: One of the problems in vaginismus is infertility and this problem can be completely solved with scientific, team and combined treatments and persistence in the treatment process.


Main Subjects