Author = Mansour Rezaei
Serum levels of lead in pregnant women with term and preterm deliveries

Volume 24, Issue 12, January 2022, Pages 8-15


Negin Rezavand; Mastaneh Kamravamanesh; Nooshin Abasi; Maryam Hemati; Rozhin Feali; Mansour Rezaei

The incidence of the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis in general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia after abdominal hysterectomy

Volume 24, Issue 11, December 2021, Pages 45-51


Mansour Rezaee; Nafiseh Sheghaghi Ilkhchi; Mina Zeinalzadeh; Dara Alvandfar

The relationship between periodontal diseases and the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women

Volume 24, Issue 4, June 2021, Pages 16-24


Negin Rezavand; Mastaneh Kamravamanesh; Masoumeh Eyvazi; Jila Manouchehri; Maryam Hemati; Rozhin Feali; Mansour Rezaei

Role of Hypothyroidism on Ovarian and Uterine Morphology in Sonography of Women at Reproductive Age

Volume 24, Issue 2, April 2021, Pages 8-13


Nazanin Farshchian; Rozita Naseri; Nikzad Farshchian; Parisa Bahrami Kamangar; Mansour Rezaei